40 Days of Community at FBC

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

FBC Community Mission Project

The following are snapshots of FBC community projects at Palmera-Sta. Cruz Compound:

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

FBC Children in 40 Days Campaign

FBC children also took the 40 Days journey as shown below:

Here are the Sunday School Teachers and facilitators during the 40 Days Campaign:

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

FBC Facilitators and Hosts

FBC celebrated its 5th anniversary on Sunday, September 24, 2006. It also coincided with the culmination of its 40 Days of Community Campaign. Visitors and regular attenders packed the two Sunday morning worship services and the Sunday afternoon Youth Jam. It was a day of rejoicing and celebration as we witnessed people making decisions to obey the Gospel of Christ.

Before we close the Blog coverage on the 40 Days Campaign, let us show you pictures of FBC facilitators and hosts:

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Double Celebration

This week is Faith Baptist Church's mission project week. We hope that we will be able to convey to the communities around us that God loved them so much through our mission projects. It will be a time to serve for all FBC's small groups and a time to bring glory to the Name of Christ.

After service is celebration. This Sunday is the "CELEBRATION SUNDAY" and the culmination of the 40 Days of Community Campaign. This also coincides with FBC's Church Anniversary Celebration. This a cause for DOUBLE celebration. Please come and rejoice with us. Bring your loved ones and friends.

1. Pray for the grand finale celebration of our 40-day spiritual journey!
2. Pray that Celebration Sunday will be an incredibly joyful time of testimonies of what God has done — not only in our church — but also in our lives, marriages, small groups, businesses, and neighborhoods during the Campaign.
3. Pray that the 40 Days of Community will be a bridge event between a great work of God in people’s hearts and a great movement of God in the future of our churches worldwide.
4. Pray for lasting, eternal fruit in transformed lives as a result of God’s abundant blessing on the 40 Days of Community.

"Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song."
Psalm 95:2 (niv)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

We Worship Better Together

Last Sunday, we were blessed beyond measure after hearing the message on why and how can serve together. It was a timely exhortation to “live in a way that brings honor to the Good News of Christ.…standing strong with one purpose, working together as one for the faith of the Good News.” Phil. 1:27 (NCV)

There were also display boards for each of the following ministries of Faith Baptist Church:

>> Prayer Ministry
>> Bible College of Leadership
>> Sunday School/Childen's Ministry
>> Mannah Feeding Ministry
>> Youth Ministry
>> Music Ministry
>> Visitation Ministry

In case you are not yet involved in any of the ministries at FBC, please do not hesitate to approach any of the FBC pastors and church staff.

This Sunday's topic is the grandest of all: "We Worship Better Together"

1. that as we adore and praise God together, the Lord will consider this as a sweet fragrance of worship.

2. that a deeper desire will arise in FBC to magnify the Lord and radiate in the churches in our nation and the world.

3. that we will worship God by giving generously and cheerfully to the work of our church and to those in need.

4. for a commitment by each person to live a God-focused life of gratitude.

5. that our weekly day of worship and rest will be attract those who so desperately need rest for their souls.

"Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together."
- Psalm 34:3 (niv)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

We Minister Better Together

Last Sunday we learned that we can help each other grow in Christ by affirming each other's worth, or praying for each other's spiritual growth, or simply by being honest with one another, or by encouraging each other to commit to love Christ, His Word, fellow believers, and Christ's ministries.

On Sunday, we will learn how "We Minister Better Together." Pray that

1. Pray that all those involved in the 40 Days of Community will be refreshed, renewed, and revitalized for the ministry to which God has called them.
2. Pray that we will believe and practice that "every ministry is important," whether frontline or behind the scenes.
3. Pray that people will discover and use their spiritual gifts and abilities for God’s glory and eternal purposes.
4. Pray for each person to have a servant’s heart and serve wherever needed.
5. Pray that the Ministry Fair will encourage everyone to become involved in ministry.
6. Pray for ministry coordinators that they will be Christ-like models and equip new volunteers as they lead them.

Don't forget to invite your loved ones and friends.

May our church be a "place where the hurting, the hopeless, the discouraged, the depressed, the frustrated and confused can find love, acceptance, guidance and encouragement."
- R. Warren

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

We Grow Better Together

Last Sunday we learned the 4 attitudes that can destroy relationships. But praise God who gave us the antidotes to these such as Selflessness, Humility, Love and Forgiveness.

This Sunday we will discuss “We Grow Better Together."

Pray that . . .
1. God will move our members to help others in FBC to grow in their faith. Thank God for all the people who have had a part in helping you grow closer to Him. Thank God for Pastor Gary, Pastor Correa, Pastor Edbert, Kuya Jess, our Sunday School teachers, Small Group leaders and other caring church members and attenders who encourage and inspire us to grow in Christ.

2. FBC members will strive to grow in godly character and in a deeper knowledge of God through His Word, the Bible.

3. Each one during the 40 Days of Community campaign will find a true friend, prayer partner, or mentor who will help them develop Christ-like habits such as daily Bible devotions and prayer time, Scripture memorization, giving and purity.

"And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ."
Philippians 1:9-11 (NIV)