40 Days of Community at FBC

Friday, June 30, 2006

Prayer Requests for Week 1 July

"Ask for what you now need, and, as a rule, keep to present need; ask for your daily bread-what you want now-ask for that. Ask for it plainly, as before God, who does not regard our fine expressions, and to whom your eloquence and oratory will be less than nothing and vanity. You are before the Lord; let your words be few, but let your heart be fervent."

- by C. H. Spurgeon, "Effective Prayer"

Please continue to intercede for FBC's 40 Days of CommUNITY campaign. Please pray for:

1. Pray that each person involved in the leadership and implementation of the 40 Days of CommUNITY Campaign would rely on God’s sufficiency and strength.

2. Pray for UNITY, harmony and lasting friendships to develop among team members.

3. Pray that the families of all Pastors, staff, and leaders on the Campaign Team will be prayerful and supportive during this busy season.

4. Pray for the effective communication of plans between the campaign leaders and church staff and ministry leaders.

5. Pray for God’s anointing power to accomplish great things through each Team member.

6. Pray for the spiritual growth; that through this campaign, will deepen over church faith and prayer life.

7. Pray for the defining time in the journey of our church, small group and neighbors.

8. Pray for the coming harvest of changed lives.

9. Pray that God’s power will be displayed and that we will see spectacular things happen during the 40-Day Campaign.
10. Pray for physical protection and good health for all leaders and their families as well as all participants and their families during the campaign.

11. Pray for God’s protection against distractions, worries, problems and concerns to enable everyone involved to focus completely on what God's will for them during the campaign.

12. Pray for God’s protection against discouragements for our pastors and leaders as they assume difficult tasks for campaign.

Personal Prayer Requests:

Jan Madio- Perfect timing, financial, spiritual strength, guidance, God’s will, physical strength.

Jonah- Health, wisdom, decision making, maintaining worship habit, operation of Hannah Faye Antonio, Praise, salvation of family.

Imee- personal health, mother's health, salvation of family, spiritual strength and growth; God’s will and wisdom, ministry, studies.

Leony- spiritual strength and growth, God’s will, salvation of Brother’s family, personal needs.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

FBC Prayer Concerns

"Almost anything associated with the ministry may be learned with an average amount of intelligent application... Sermon making can be learned as easily as shoemaking—introduction, conclusion and all. And so with the whole work of the ministry as it is carried on in the average church today.

"But prayer—that is another matter. There ... the Minister's Manual can offer no assistance. There the lonely man of God must wrestle it out alone, sometimes in fasting and tears and weariness untold. There every man must be an original, for true prayer cannot be imitated nor can it be learned from someone else.

- A.W. Tozer, God Tells the Man Who Cares, p. 69

Our 40 Days of Community Campaign needs your prayers. Please pray for:

- Love and unity among members and attenders at FBC for effective prayer and success of the campaign

- Love for lost souls among members

- Change of heart among people in the community that we are about to reach out

- Guidance for Pastor Gary, Pastor Rene, Pastor Edbert and other leaders on the 40 Days of Community

- Budget and resources

- New host homes and leaders

- God's guidance for innovation and creativity for the campaign during services

If you want to join the Campaign Prayer Team, please contact Bro. Jan Madio

Monday, June 26, 2006


From the beginning, God's plan has been that we fulfill his purposes in community with other people.

Before you were born, God chose you to be a difference-maker, and to make an impact for good with your life. He has a purpose for you in his community. Are you willing to take the next step in growing a life of purpose and meaning?