40 Days of Community at FBC

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Prayer Items for July Week 2

"Helplessness is the real secret and the impelling power of prayer." -O. Hallesby

This week we share with you the prayer needs of our brethren.

1. Pray for health of Bro. Jan Madio that he may get well soon

2. Pray for the ate Cherry Bigtas' brother, Lemuel Santos. Lemuel is scheduled for kidney operation on Tuesday. He needs to undergo blood transfusion before the operation. Pray that God will prepare blood donors of type B positive.Pray for healing and salvation.

3. Pray for financial needs of family of Noli and Beverly Natual (members of Sta. Cruz Compound Cell Group). Pray that the Lord will bless their sari-sari store.

4. Pray that every attender/member of FBC will join a small group in preparation for the 40 Days of CommUNITY Campaign.

5. Pray for the financial needs of FBC. Pray that the Lord will move His people to give generously to support the ministries of FBC.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Corporate Sin

"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment.” - Jesus, Matthew 22: 37-38

The Overnight Prayer meeting at FBC was held as scheduled. One of the topics discussed was the example of Nehemiah. Nehemiah was a ranking government official in the Babylonian Empire. He is cupbearer to the King.

When Nehemiah learned of the plight of God's people in Jerusalem, he fasted and confessed to God the sins of Israel. He was not yet alive when God punished Israel. Yet he did not excuse himself from the sins of his people. He admitted that he is part and partaker of the corporate sin of his people.

Corporate sin should strike a sensitive chord in us. What is our sin as a church? I do not even know most of the people attending FBC. So I searched my heart and observed our people.

Lord, we have not loved you enough.
We loved only ourselves, our family, our children's education,
and our possessions.

We haven't given you our best.
We took the best time of our lives for ourselves and offered you the leftovers as did the people during Malachi's time.
We are protective of our time for ourselves.
We have time for Manny Pacquiao and our cars but very little for prayer and God's Word.

We haven't served you well.
We let the pastors and church staff do the work of the Lord
when in fact Jesus died not only for them but also for all of us.
We serve only when it is convenient.

We are unworthy of your love.
But you loved us still. Forgive us, O Lord. We will live for You for You deserve all of our love, all of our time and all of our strength.

Jesus said in Matthew 19: 29-30, “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.