40 Days of Community at FBC

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Reaching Out Better Together

As we learned from God's Word in the Sunday Worship services and the Youth Jam, each one has a story to tell of how God changed our lives and how Jesus has saved us. We can reach out (individually and better if together) to our relatives, neighborhoods, offices, schools and communities because we know the CURE who is Jesus Christ our Lord.

Pray that:
1. FBC members and attenders will do their part in fulfilling God's Great Commission by devoting their lives to sharing their personal story of the life-changing power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

2. FBC and its small groups will be inspired to reach out to their own communities with the Good News.

3. The mission projects at FBC will encourage everyone to become involved in reaching out to our respective communities and the world.

This Sunday's topic will focus on:
"We Fellowship Better Together"

Pray that
1. FBC members will love each other the way Christ loved them, as they fellowship together, study together, serve together, and learn to help each other through times of suffering.

2. “The harvest will be plentiful” - that those in our neighborhoods who are spiritually lost will come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Coming up: