40 Days of Community at FBC

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

We Minister Better Together

Last Sunday we learned that we can help each other grow in Christ by affirming each other's worth, or praying for each other's spiritual growth, or simply by being honest with one another, or by encouraging each other to commit to love Christ, His Word, fellow believers, and Christ's ministries.

On Sunday, we will learn how "We Minister Better Together." Pray that

1. Pray that all those involved in the 40 Days of Community will be refreshed, renewed, and revitalized for the ministry to which God has called them.
2. Pray that we will believe and practice that "every ministry is important," whether frontline or behind the scenes.
3. Pray that people will discover and use their spiritual gifts and abilities for God’s glory and eternal purposes.
4. Pray for each person to have a servant’s heart and serve wherever needed.
5. Pray that the Ministry Fair will encourage everyone to become involved in ministry.
6. Pray for ministry coordinators that they will be Christ-like models and equip new volunteers as they lead them.

Don't forget to invite your loved ones and friends.

May our church be a "place where the hurting, the hopeless, the discouraged, the depressed, the frustrated and confused can find love, acceptance, guidance and encouragement."
- R. Warren